I am greatly encouraged by the number of webcomics and the comic creators now circling the globe on the world wide web–each one a product of a unique artist who has a unique story to share, and a unique way of sharing it. This grassroots movement of artists sharing their goals and visions will usher in new generations able to accept the media, embrace it, and share it more abundantly.
I want you to embrace this uniqueness because you are what makes your creations unique. Your abilities, your desires, your plans, all combine to make a unique product for the market. Embracing your unique gifts will give you an advantage over every other person, and make you shine as a bold creator.
Coming to the end of my journey, I wanted to reflect on some of the unique characters I have seen over my exploration. In a bit of Aesop’s fable fashion, I wondered if we could learn any comic lessons from these unique creatures from us.
Artitic Horses. Strong, vibrant artist, well groomed, ready to tackle any assignment. Superstars of the comic industry. Humble. Dedicated to making comics and imparting their own artistic vision in everything they do. Artistic Opossum. Unique and sneaky. Schedule is a little crazy. Pretending to sleep in the corner, while working all night. Friends do not share same habits. Social life is gone. Life runs him over because he is out of balance with nature.How did I run all the way to South America? Artistic Llama? I didn’t even think there was such a thing. Watch out–they spit! This artist you don’t even know about, but he’s there–and he’s powerfully good. Why didn’t we discover him first?Artistic bull. Powerful. Exciting. Lots of talent in this beast. That raw artistic power could hurt someone without proper guidance. With the proper team, this is guy is probably going to the best entrepreneur alive. Without the proper team, he may destroy himself and those around him.Artistic Turtle. Off to a slow start? Don’t worry! Keep at it little turtle. You remember the most famous of the races. Who wins? The one who is tried and true. Confident. Continually working toward the goal. Never giving up. Protects himself from outsiders scoffing at him. Runs toward the goal and never looks back.